In addition to the song orchestrations featured on other pages, The Great American Songbook Foundation has many instrumental works. Here are some of them. All of the pieces below have audio clips.
Composed by Harry Warren
Instrumental version for a Symphony Orchestra
Music and Lyrics by Ella Fitzgerald & Al Feldman (AKA Van Alexander)
Arranged & Orchestrated by Van Alexander
INSTRUMENTATION: 2(1=Picc).2.2.2.AA(=solo clarinet)TTB/4.3.3(3 is Bass).1/Perc(4):[Timpani, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Vibraphone, Conga, Chimes] / Pno, Guitar, Rhythm Bass, Drum Kit /6 .
Arranged & Orchestrated by Bakaleinikoff
INSTRUMENTATION: 1(=Picc).1.2.1/, Triangle).Hrp.Pno/Solo Vn.6.5.Vla1(3).Vla2(3).4.3
From the David Rubinoff collection, the song “The Carioca,” from the movie Flying Down to Rio, done in the style of Ravel’s “Bolero.” In the movie, the song was danced by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, their first screen dance together. The word “Carioca” refers to those who live in Rio de Janeiro.
Music by Vincent Youmans, Lyrics by Edward Eliscu & Gus Kahn
INSTRUMENTATION: 2.Picc.3(3=EH).3.3.AATT;; 2Perc(2.1:[Timpani, Hand Cymbal, Snare Drum]; Hrp.Pno(=Clste); Guitar.Rhythm Bass / Strings:VnA(4).VnB(4).VnC(3).Vn2(5).4.4.2
Composed by Jacques Press
INSTRUMENTATION: 1.1.1.AATB/[Timpani, Snare Drum, Cymbal].SoloPno/ — a version where woodwinds double on saxes also included
From the David Rubinoff collection, this novel score takes the Cole Porter song “Easy to Love” and invents it in a Russian Symphonic style.
Music and Lyrics by Cole Porter
INSTRUMENTATION: 1.1.1.AATB/[Timpani, Snare Drum, Cymbal].SoloPno/ — a version where woodwinds double on saxes also included
Composed by Bronislau Kaper
INSTRUMENTATION: Rd1-4(Fl+AltFl.AltSx.Cl.BsCl)/[Vibraphone, Drum Kit] / Hrp.Pno.Guitar / Strings:
Composed by Ferde Grofé
INSTRUMENTATION: Rd1-4(Fl+AltFl.AltSx.Cl.BsCl)/[Vibraphone, Drum Kit] / Hrp.Pno.Guitar / Strings:
By Benny Goodman, Arranged by Mark Lopeman
SOLOIST: Clarinet
INSTRUMENTATION: R1(Picc),R2(Ob),R3(Bsn),AATTB / 4,4,3,1 / DrSet, Gtr(Opt), Pno, RhythmBass / Strings
A Harry James specialty.
SOLOIST: Trumpet
INSTRUMENTATION: 0.Picc.1.0.1/AATTB/ Bass.Drum Kit/